【加拿大】chateau clique是什么???????????????????
Chateau Clique was a group of wealthy families in Lower Canada in the early 19th century. They were the
Lower Canadian equivalent of the Family Compact in Upper Canada. They were known on the electoral scene as the Parti bureaucrate (Bureaucratic Party, also known as the British Party or the Tory Party).
Like the Family Compact, the Chateau Clique gained most of its influence after the War of 1812. Most of the families in the Clique were British merchants, although some were French Canadian seigneurs who felt that their own interests were best served by an affiliation with this group. Some of the most prominent members were brewer John Molson and James McGill, founder of McGill University. Generally, they wanted the French Canadian majority of Lower Canada to assimilate to English culture. This included the abolition of the seigneurial system, replacing French civil law with British common law, and replacing the established Roman Catholic Church with the Anglican Church. Their efforts led to the Act of Union (1840), which ultimately failed to assimilate all French Canadians but succeeded in preventing their political and economic interests from prevailing over those of Britain.
The Constitutional Act of 1791 had established three branches of government: the Legislative Assembly, an elected lower house; the Legislative Council, an appointed upper house; and the Executive Council, which acted as a kind of cabinet for the lieutenant governor. The governor was always an appointed British nobleman, and he appointed members of the Clique as his advisers. The Clique was also able to establish itself in the Legislative Council, leaving the Legislative Assembly, made up of a majority of French-Canadian representatives, with little or no power.
Louis-Joseph Papineau, as a reformer in the Assembly, was one of the fiercest opponents of the Chateau Clique. His struggles against the Clique and the Lieutenant Governor, Lord Gosford, led to the Lower Canada Rebellion in 1837.
After the rebellion, Upper and Lower Canada were united as the Province of Canada, but the Chateau Clique did not disappear like the Family Compact. While the English-speaking population became the majority, the British-appointed governor-generals still attempted to force the French Canadian population to assimilate. Canada East, as Lower Canada was called after the union, eventually gained some political independence with the union government of Robert Baldwin and Louis-Hippolyte Lafontaine.
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这个是加拿大的邮政编号吗 m1w2v2 急啊啊
B 邮政代码名单加拿大- 新四科舍
C 邮政代码名单加拿大- 爱得华王子岛
D 不被使用
E 邮政代码名单加拿大- 新不伦瑞克
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加拿大- 东魁北克G 邮政代码名单
H 邮政代码名单加拿大- 蒙特利尔
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加拿大K 邮政代码- 东安大略名单
L 邮政代码名单加拿大- Southcentral 安大略
M 邮政代码名单加拿大- 多伦多
加拿大N 邮政代码- 西安大略名单
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加拿大P 邮政代码- 北安大略名单
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R 邮政代码名单加拿大- 马尼托巴
S 邮政代码名单加拿大- Saskatchewan
T 邮政代码名单加拿大- 亚伯大
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加拿大X 邮政代码名单- 西北疆土和Nunavut
加拿大- Yukon x.\.加拿大Y
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